Sunday, February 8, 2009

....memory and more....

i am still surprised at the strength of my grief when it hits out of the blue.  Her little fuzzy mouse toy with REALLY BAD HAIR (due to years of teatea licking the rabbit fur that it's made of) threw me into a sobbing fit that was only rescued by my husband's small bladder (he had to go potty, so he came into the bedroom).  The house seems empty without a furry little being inside, and just when i need her the most to bring solace, she is gone.  I think the word I'm looking for is sucks.  it flat out sucks.  And there's nothing i can do to make it better except go forward.  Which I shall for her...and for me. 

....memory!!   I was rooting around through photo albums attempting to find a suitable pic for the front of the frame on her ashes box (which of course I failed at) and I found this ornery as teatea was, for some reason she was rather amenable to having things placed on her head.  The nurse hat was in honor of the ill boyfriend (that has been carefully cut out of the photo) that was laying in bed with teatea....I thought she might want a job to do that day, so she became nurse teatea....

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