Saturday, February 21, 2009

...a loooooong week with less cathair than i'm used to.

...i've been sick all week with upper resperatory and sinus cooties.   Although I haven't been posting here, my thoughts (especially since there's been more time than usual sleeping) have not been far from teatea.  The bedroom was her domain.  She slept in a "kitty cave" on the corner of the bottom of the bed and for about the last year of her life, that's usually where you'd find her.  It's been lonely, waking up in the middle of the night feeling ill and not having a set of whiskers unexpectedly hit you in the face, causing the immediate itchies.  Teatea was a good one for joining in illness misery....very happy to plop down a quietly lay with you until you fell back to sleep.  So it's been a long week, but I reckon things are progressing.  After 3 cancelled orders, we finally got a new cat bed for the bottom of the now holds teatea's prized posessions....and will 'til the first foster cat comes along.  Then I'm not sure how we'll adapt that.  The foster folks have been in touch and in some ways I'm ready  and in some ways I'm miles off ~ but I reckon that's exactly why I'm figure out where I am and to make sure I respect that.  I sure hope I can handle it.

I don't remember if I told you that we finally have teatea's ashes in the frame overlooking the bed...I decided on the above photo of her, because it tells just who she us anyhow.  [= the photo still makes me smile when i look at it.  She set her rules about boundaries and what she would and wouldn't tolerate, and never strayed from them her entire life.  Gotta love that kind of gumption from someone who was a foot tall.  I still miss her very very much.  

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