Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to Teatea.....19 today.

Today, valentine's day, is teatea's birthday.  For real.  It sounds like one of those fakey birthday dates that folks give to pets, but it was truly hers.   And I miss her.  My dh and I have moved Valentine's day to tomorrow, because I know that today will bring many thoughts and tears.  We'll hang the windchime that he bought for her on the purple tree outside the bedroom window...and will plant a purple leafed tree in her honor (it's a forest pansy redbud tree).  Luckily my candles arrived in the mail yesterday, so the Woodwick candle burns every night for her in the bedroom (and smells GORGEOUS vanilla as well) to keep her room lit even when we're not in there.  


last night I was lying in bed and remembered how teatea used to LOVE eating canned peas.  Whenever I opened a can of peas, she would sit like a meerkat and beg til I asked her "wanna pea??" She'd mew and then chase it as it rolled across the kitchen floor.  Silly thing for a cat to like.  She also had an obsession with uncooked spaghetti noodles.  We never GAVE these to her (didn't want her throat to be injured), but lord help us if we accidentally dropped one on the floor when making spaghetti....couldn't get the dang thing back from her!  

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