Monday, February 1, 2010 year on....

....and it still hurts.  A sense that someone is missing, most of the time.  A huge hole in my chest at others (when i let myself think about my missing her).  The grieving goes on, sometimes with smiles of memories, sometimes with giant tears and sobs of missing.  It can't be helped.  And if loving her less would bring less pain on this side of my relationship with Teatea...well, I couldn't even imagine myself going there.  Not for a second.  As time has verified, she was one of the most important beings in my life, and I feel strongly that she always will be that important to me.  Forever.


  1. Hi

    A lovely blogger I "met" created a wonderful phrase "sending you kitty hugs" that really made my day.

    So in my small and inadequate way, may I pass on big dollops of kitty hugs to you in this one year remebrance of your beautiful companion. She will always be remembered with love.

    Take care


  2. I know how you feel my friend. My Robin was 16 when she went to the Rainbow Bridge and that was 14 years ago. Though I have my 12 year old Lady Bianca, I miss and love Robin as deeply as I did when she was with us. My sons all love and miss her still, we all of us always will. They are a part of our family and a part of us. And they loved us as deeply as we love them.
    You will heal in time my friend. Here is a hug from me and one from my furkid. Let us know how you are.
