Monday, September 7, 2009

my first thoughts in the morning.....

Even with teatea being gone for over 6 months now, the other morning I woke up thinking of was a startling thought to begin the day with, and even though we now have two furballs living with us (see www(d0t)fuzzyjoy(d0t)blogspot (dot) com) it didn't soften the blow.....and i'm surprisingly kind of glad that even though we have the 2 new weans that they haven't "taken the place" or "filled the hole in my heart" left by teatea. They keep us busy, sure, but the missing is still there. As the kittens (4 months and 5 months now) rip around the house, shredding, biting and generally misaligning everything they come in contact with, I miss my quiet old lady in a very different way. When someone runs across our heads at 3am ....4 times in a row to wake us up, i miss my quiet old opinionated teatea even more!!! So here's to you and your elderly years, teatea....they are appreciated as much now as they were when you were here. xxxxxx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for sharing your blog dedicated to the beautiful "teatea". She is gorgeous! It is understood and something to cherish sharing ones life and very fabric with a grand old cat lady companion & best friend. Having recently (9 Oct 09) being required to PTS my Matilda girl at the superb age of 21 & half years.... I still have her bedding in the same place and a shrine in her remembrance, my admiration and comfort.... Not sure what I'm saying - I am lost without her purrfect comfort, love and glossy black coat. A precious girl with supreme DNA obviously & my love & kisses always.

  3. my heart aches for you in this transition of having your amazing Matilda with you in the physical world to being with you in spirit and heart and love. If my journey with teatea has made one moment of the seeming unbearable grief a bit more bearable for you, it has done more than i ever thought it would. =^..^= thank you for your kind words....they mean more than i can say.

  4. I just found your blog today and understand every word that you have written concerning your thoughts and feelings about your beloved teatea. I too had to make the difficult decision of letting my Becca go instead of letting him stay with me until the end. It was the most heart wrenching decision I have ever made. The should of, could of , would of's have left me virtually disabled and a huge hole in my heart disables me from laughter and joy, even after three months. Thank you for sharing your heart. It makes me "feel" some emotion even if it is tears. I know how you feel and my heart sends support to you. Love,Debra
